A night of camping and potential fun
OOC: She is in optime in this one...

Arwen had been following the river upstream for quite a while now. She was wandering far from Cercatori packlands, as she wanted some time off from the never-ending threat of murders. Her long red hair was kept loose instead of in its usual braids. She was running so fast her feet barely skimmed the ground, and her long silky fur rippled behind her like waves in the ocean. How long had it been since she felt this free?

She stopped when she found the source of the river that she had been following. Of course. A waterfall. Rivers usually started in waterfalls, she knew, but that didn't diminish the fun of following them all the way upstream just for kicks. And to scare the hell out of people who were waiting for her back home. Even though there was no one waiting for her at Cercatori. But then she noticed something. A tent. That was strange, she thought to herself. There were usually no tents to be found next to waterfalls... but then she had no experience with these types of things. She tried hard to see through the fabric of the tent, with little avail since it was dark. The only thing she could see was the silhouette of a single canine, probably a male, laying down inside the tent. She was just about to decide he was an enemy when she stopped. Gosh, she needed to stop being so very pessimistic. Sighing, she approached cautiously, her claws extended in the case of trouble, the hesitation in her muscles visible to any outsiders.

"Hey. I'm Arwen, would you mind introducing yourself? What brings you here at this time of day?" It was rude, she knew, but effective for her to know whether this male was up to any mischief.

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