Of Oaths and Curiousity
OOC: Sorry for the rather... dangerous girl I'm bringing in...

The girl was used to stalking people. She'd been hiding behind whatever there happened to be lying around at the moment, listening to conversations, since what seemed like the beginning of time. Her delicate little ears had been trained to hear even the fall of a leaf onto the ground. She hid in trees, in hollow logs, listening to secrets of love, secrets of hate, drunken secrets whispered in the middle of the night. But she never thought about what she did as weird. It was simply... an essential aspect of life.

She was prowling now, her footfalls so soft they were inaudible even to herself. And sure enough, she heard something. The breathing of another wolf fairly close by, most likely a young female like herself, in optime form. Her eyes searched for the source of the noise. She set eyes on a girl about her age, but much larger, with mostly white fur, and golden hair with reddish tints. The girl was reading, she noticed. Arwen decided that the girl did not seem dangerous, and in the case that there would be any trouble, she would be no trouble at all to take care of. The difference in size did not matter to her in the least. Her razor sharp three-inch claws could take care of almost anything. They served as small knives for her, just as dangerous, only she could wield four on each hand instead of only one.

"Hello. My name is Arwen Stormcloud. Call me Arwen though, I hold a certain grudge against my own last name. I have a bad history with it. I'm sort of new here... and was out exploring, but it'd be nice to have someone to talk to."

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