j- We're young and in love

OOC: Big Grin WC:548

The woman who had approached but had not spoken yet had taken the spotlight when it came to answering Panda's question, which meant in Panda's mind that this woman was leader over this other that had greeted them. Both Panda and Venom listened to the green eyed woman's words. She had spoken about how the pack only had some set rituals, but mostly, the pack revolved around what individuals believed in. This was favorable to the two, since they did have their own set of beliefs, but to be in a pack where they were no outsiders because of their uncommon beliefs was something they did not want. They wanted no separation from the pack. Panda and Venom did share the common belief of objects having the power to protect, and 'good luck' charms as well. For example, Panda carried a rose quartz pendulum around with her because she believed that it held love, and when she was without Venom, then she always could feel his love there since this charm had been one that he had found and crafted for her. Panda and Venom seemed to be on a telepathic level as they gazed at each other for a moment. Just the looks that were exchanged almost seemed like they were having a full conversation. They probably were in a way. Often times they found each other's hearts worn on their sleeves, and easy to read each other. Anyone else would was an outsider to this relationship either would not understand it, or they would think that the two were just insane. They, however, found each other to be right in the perfect place between sanity and insanity.

Panda would look back to Naniko and listen to her words that told them of the ritual of becoming part of the family. Panda looked at the green eyed woman, and when her hand tapped the hilt of a knife, Panda cocked her head and listened. When it was their turn to speak, Panda looked back at Venom once more. Venom glanced back at the older Taurus. He approved of staying here. The two here had been more than helpful to the two loners, and they probably would fit in here, so Venom tilted his head back towards Naniko. You weren't here when we said our names. Venom pointed out, a small grin forming on his handsome face. My name is Venom Trombetta. the man reintroduced himself to the green-eyed woman. And I'm Panda Behr. the woman followed along and spoke her name again. Anathema sounds like it's right up our alley. the woman commented, but she still did not say if she wanted to stay yet. Venom was decided, but Panda wanted to make sure that they were not going to be regretting this decision to stay here. Excuse me for all of the questions, but we are definitely not from around here. Are there any other packs around here that offer what Anathema does, spiritually? the woman asked, wondering if her question even really made sense. It made sense to her, but then again, things always did sound better in her head rather than out loud.

If there isn't any other pack, then I guess Anathema will be our choice, miss- Panda spoke to the green-eyed woman.

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