Shadows in the Night


OOC: Well I think were going to have to end this soon. School work is out to get me and I have way to many threads. Plus I hate making people wait so... SORRY!!!

Clare laid there and listened only nodding her head when needed be. Her paw still hurt pretty back but she knew it would heal soon. Hopefully. She watched as he got up and moved towards his belongings. She was no longer worried about him fast movements. He could have killed her if he really wanted to already and so could she to him. To her; there was a sort of trust between them now she figured.

Heaving herself from where she lay, carefully, she sat up to watch him. "No, do not worry. You have helped me enough. Keep important things like that to yourself in times like this. You don't know when you'll need it for something truly bad." She knew he was right about the herbs being ruined from the winter. She wasn't much into them but she had some knowlage about them. Well at least what to eat when your hungry and what not to eat. Her father had taught her that much thankfully. Then again she had leared what not to eat from experince one time when she was younger, her mother had to keep her bed riden for a few days till her sickness was under control once more. The they were off searching once again. Always searching it seem. Silyva gave herself a mental kick, she loved hunting for treasure.

Silyva figured she should be leaving soon once she saw that he fixed himself with his satchel over his shoulder once again. He prolly didn't want her around any more anyways, she ahd already been to much of a burden. Then again, she had a right to have him fix her paw. It was his falt sort of after all. Silyva decided to find out how she would make it around seeing as she couldn't shift at the moment with a healing hand/paw. Shifting her weight off her hurt paw she stood up. It wasn't to bad. Untill she tried to walk. The first try ended up with a slight yeilp and some naughty words. The second try held out to be a little better. Sadly thou, she had to hop. And it was embarssing in all the ways. She felt weak most of all. How bad she wanted to prove to this male that she wasn't weak, for some odd reason. But she had no other option. If she were to walk on it, it would only make it worse and that wasn't good at all. With a huph she stopped and favored her paw listening to his words. She just remembered that they hadn't exchanged names. "Oh thanks. My name is Silyva Sapphire. It is also nice to meet you too Jaden"

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