Of Oaths and Curiousity
OOC: Yay, a not-so-fail post!

"M'kay, that'll work. I wear clothes, because it makes me uncomfortable to be naked. Just a pet peeve of mine. And guys..." she trailed off, and her eyes misted over. "I've had too many... bad experiences with guys." She was not about to go spreading her sadness all over the world to taint happy souls.

She was somewhat glad for the change in subject as the other female started to talk about bears. "Well, this is the forest, so I'd expect bears not to make as much noise. As for their difference in size, I've lived my whole life in this area, or in New Brunswick just neighboring here, so I don't really know about that. Are they a lot smaller, or just a little, in the Great Plains?" she asked. She loved asking about places that she was unfamiliar with, as stories of unfamiliar things amused her. "Maybe it's just that I haven't been to a lot of places. I wish I could tag along with a bunch of migrating wolves so I could travel more, it sounds fun." She voiced her thoughts aloud, something that she didn't do very often, but felt safe enough here to do it.

"And you asked about the packs and tribes. Well, I know a little bit about a couple of them, from exploring, but not a lot. I'll tell you everything I know though. There's one vicious looking pack composed mostly of coyotes that keeps skulls on the borders; I wouldn't go near that one. One of them is underground, in caves. I don't think you need to worry about trespassing into their lands too much, unless you go underground a lot. And there's Cercatori. It's mostly comprised of nice wolves who are learned in the arts, but there's been... an issue going on recently. Strangers aren't going to be welcomed very nicely."

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