Beyond the borders of reality
OOC: Epic failpost

"I will. Actually, I probably won't get the chance to break it anyway before I kill myself." She managed a laugh, only it wasn't bright and full of joy like the many cute innocent giggles she had let out before; it was melancholy and a little bit insane. "I'm the only wolf I would ever really kill, unless I ever find the one who killed... him..." Her fangs ground together as she tried to keep herself from lashing out. She was contemplating horrible deaths for herself right now, her twisted mind making up all sorts of nasty ways to suicide. Hmmm... "I could hang herself, I could ask you to stone me to death, I could have birds rip me apart, I could..." she stopped, realizing she was speaking aloud. She didn't want to scare this coyote with her messed-up mind.

"But I would never hurt you. You or your friends or anyone related to you. I don't want to ruin your innocent, naive little minds by exposing you to the harsh pain of death and... reality. Take my advice; reality is much, much more painful than death, and you should always carry a weapon that you can cause your own death with in case of an emergency. I made a mistake a long time ago. And I don't want you to end up like me, always looking for an answer."

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