Beyond the borders of reality
OOC: This is going to be soo freaking fun...

She knew what he was thinking. It said so plainly in the shocked, terrified expression on his face. He wanted to run. Oh well, she had that impression on absolutely everyone, ever since that painful day little more than a month ago. She missed the times when she could laugh at the things others laughed at, feel joy in the things others felt joy in. But now she was different. She was worse than crazy.

Right now, she was enjoying the obvious terror the young male was feeling. It made her feel less alone in this big wide world. To have someone else feel what she felt every second of every day, to know that he felt it, was enough to make her almost sane again. But knowing that she was what made him feel it made her withdraw from trying to make common conversation again. She caused almost as much pain as she felt. What sort of monster was she, trying and succeeding to make others feel pain for her own selfish reasons? She was no better than a murderer.

So she decided to run. She made up her mind to run, far far away, away from all society. Hopefully the male wouldn't follow her; but why would he follow her anyway, unless he wanted to be creeped out by her even more? She was almost positive that he didn't. But... all wolves (and coyotes) had their quirks.

Not even bothering to change into optime form so she could run faster, she ran. She was not a fast runner, having a narrow chest, and she knew the male could easily outrun her if he wanted to. Her long legs stretched as she tried to go faster, and then she tripped on a jagged stone, cutting her paw badly. She looked at her leg disbelievingly as blood stained it. Oh well, at least it wasn't broken. She continued running as far and as fast as she could, until she dropped from exhaustion.

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