A night of camping and potential fun
OOC: Arwen has some... how should I say this? Mood swings. Yesshedoes.

The girl smiled a little more, her way-too-small white fangs showing slightly as her lips parted slightly. She examined the male; larger than her, and quite handsome, she noticed, blushing a little... she was not a flirt, why was she thinking these things? Well, he was about her age, and she hadn't seen many guys who were not utterly scared of her. Maybe things could work out between them. But then she barely knew him, and this might not end up as she would like it to.

She stepped a little closer and looked into his bright yellow eyes with her glowing amber ones. "I don't think we've met before, and I'd like to get to know you a little better," she whispered softly. She could be a pretty sweet girl if she wanted to be. Then, in a stroke of genius, she thought of one way she could develop this... somewhat awkward relationship with the male. But she had to play it right. She paused for a second, carefully choosing what she would do, because it would be the difference between joy and utter humiliation.

She decided on the easiest thing possible, which was just putting her hand into the river and waiting for fish to come. It looked pretty innocent, as if she was just washing her hand. Then, in a flash, her razor sharp claws popped out and snagged a salmon. It was so large she was nearly pulled into the river with it, and she fell head-first into the water, coming up seconds later giggling. Oh, the fun she had fishing.

She weighed the salmon, barely able to hold it even with both hands. About 50 pounds, she guessed as she dropped it on the ground and retracted her claws. "Are you hungry? This is enough to last the both of us two days at least."

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