aaand late, but re: crows/ravens, Inferni has an NPCr raven named Marlowe that joined the clan because he wanted an easy way to get food. He's not a pet, but he hangs out in the area and will occasionally do stuff like act as a spy/messenger for the leadership.

Ravens are remarkably intelligent birds, but I've always played as if they do not automatically know high-speech. Marlowe learned it by studying wolves, and if your character went about befriending a raven (and/or stealing a hatchling from a clutch, which would be reasonable this time of year) you'd be able to raise it to learn that. However, you'd also need to teach it how to be a bird, which is where any books on falconry could come in handy. A lot of people have started owning ravens at pets, so you'll probably find good information online as well. Smile

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