there in your dreams

She ducked her head slightly at the words that Ahren threw at her. She knew she shouldn't have to defend what she'd said, but she worried. She had enough to worry about with her children near and far, but she worried nonee the less. "He.. just seems so lost." She knew how stupid that sounded, of course he seemed lost. He'd seemed lost for a long time. When Tsunami disappeared Laruku seemed to have disappeared too, there wasn't much left of him at all. She'd seen the haunted empty look in his eyes when she'd seen him last.

She smiled slightly at the last words he spoke. It seemed so random, but then again she knew that Anya had been Ahren's daughter just as much as Aiji's. She knew what it was like to lose a child and then find them all grown up again after so long. "I know....she wants to be called Anka now." she said, her voice trailing off for a moment, remembering what it had been like when she'd almost ran face first into her niece. "She found me shortly after I'd come over the mountain. I wasn't there when the fire broke out.. I only arrived after it'd destroyed the lands." She smiled slightly at the thought of their meeting, one of the few bright things that had happened since she'd returned..

Looking back at the blonde before her she spoke of Anka again. "She's all grown up now, they grow so fast..." She was thinking of her own children when she'd said the words. She'd missed all of their childhoods it seemed, but they still wanted something to do with her in the end. She had been blessed in that part. She wondered if Anka felt the same about her father, but didn't ask.

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