I'll soon be turning

Sorry this post is a bit messy ^^; 300+

Although she was a creature unusually attached to her home, it could be a relief to get up and away from everything for a little while. She longed to retrieve some of her old life, or parts of it. Or perhaps she wished to see a face that was not allowed near the clan’s lands. A sigh escaped the exotically hued woman, but she was alone. Itachi would not return, and she should be grateful that she would not be forced to face a gruesome choice. Her emotions were treacherous, but it made them no less prominent in her ability to judge. Could a mother murder her son without doubt? Her cold mind assured her that it was the only right thing to do, but she was uncertain if she would be able to do such a thing.

Seated on a sparse height to grant her a basic overview of the terra in the northern parts of ‘Souls, the woman had found the peace and solitude she desired.

A scalpel once given by someone she had adored cut through soft, dead flesh. Her killer rodents never changed, and it would be a waste to simply toss the remaining corpses away. She could still worship her hobbies. It had been too long since she had given herself the opportunity to sit down by herself and do something unrelated to her violent job. Once she had loved to make random ornaments from bones and skeletons, and she could learn to love it again. Although she remained passive aggressive to every wolf pack at ‘Souls, she was slowly becoming more open to the basic idea of interacting for the sake of some greater good. There were things that she wanted; things currently out of reach. Maybe, if she managed to make something decent she could obtain some precious items from certain individuals.

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