high-performance grade.

Asphyxia looked at him satisfied, as if she'd never seen someone cooperate with her like that. "Well......thanks." appreciating something someone did for her was something just as rare, "I hope he shows around, my children would be devastated if their father was to be lost in a fire." Quietly she looked around, there wasn't much going on today and there probably would be anything going on today. "So what about you?" she paused to explain/rephrase herself, "I mean, why are you so interested in others lives, what about your own? Do you have any relatives?"
The old female was weirded out by herself, what was going on? Why would she even care? She nudged it off and decided to wait for a response then. Maybe he actually had something interesting in his life, although the intoxicated female wouldn't take that much notice. And she was growing impatient by the minute from her wearing powder.


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