Teach Me To Pray

Word Count → 517


The two nomads had settled into the pack of Anathema over the last two days, but they had not found themselves there today, oh no. They were planning on bringing things back to the pack, resources for them as well. Panda was also hoping that she would be able to find some mushrooms while she was out as well (though there were ones in the caves, she also had an affection for the woodland mushrooms.) and also, she wanted to be somewhere where there was woods. Dense woodlands were always good for the Panda and her deviant friend by the name of Venom. Venom had tagged along just to be annoying to Panda this time, that and he wanted to go with her to the woods, because he did end up getting where she was going out of her. Weither she liked to admit it or not, but he knew she was going to the woods to go meditate and to also pick up shrooms because they were out of them and obviously needed more in the shaman's eyes. The aura-reader followed without the shaman wanting him to be there really, but he didn't care. He would be there for protection. That's what his purpose was.

Panda had been walking in silence in front of the man, her human skull mounted staff helping her when she needed it. Her pack jingled when she would start to trot downhill, or when she climbed uphill. At some point in time, Venom actually got tired of being ignored, so he had thrown a loose comment to the woman. It made her ear twitch back at him, but she did not answer him. Stavo parlando con te. the man had called to the woman in the language she could not understand so she would be forced into asking what he was talking about. She, however, saw this game and still walked ahead of the young male. donna hey! the male would call to her, and she still walked on. He gave up for now and walked in silence behind her.

Soon Panda would become bored with the ground, and she found herself a tree. She climbed up into the tree with ease, and when she found a spot she could comfortably sit, she looked around with her chocolate eyes and found a young lupus formed child in the water. She cocked her head before Venom had joined her in the tree, though he took a different side of the large tree they had found to relax in. Panda cocked her head and looked out into the water of the stream. Hey! Panda called sweetly. What'cha doin? the woman asked the child. Oh sure, you talk to strangers but not me. I see how it is. the man spoke. Panda looked back at him with a hardened look on her face before a stupid smile would break on her maw because of the stupid look Venom would give back to her. Shut up, Alex. Nobody was talking to you. the woman spoke to him before her attention went back to the girl in the water.


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