snowshoes and snowballs

Both of the daughters he had adopted had left the home and found mates so young. The King had not been pleased initially, but he would never have done or said anything to deny them their happiness. Ezra had spoken to him prior to asking Ever to be his mate. It was a small gesture, but it was one that the King would recall in his memory often and one he had appreciated greatly. He was hesitant to think of his adopted daughters as old enough to be mated and to begin their own families, but he knew that this was an unfair thought. They were old enough.

The idea that she might not truly be happy with Ezra was one that had worried him, and he was glad to hear that this was not the case for them. So many mates drifted apart from one another, and he could only assume the incidence of it occurring were higher if they were young. “Then I am glad,” he said genuinely. The King would have wanted nothing more for her, or for Amaranth, to be happy with her decision to take on a mate so young.

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