[m] you're free to leave me

OOC: lalalaal +3

He had rushed after her, the moment he left that porch, he had been quick to leave any feelings behind. He didn't need the anger to cloud his mind when he was dealing with Krystalle. He was much more mature than these arguments and he didn't want to deal with them, but obviously there was something always bothering Krystalle. Always bothering her. Mars always bothered her. Bartholomew never did. She had to love Bart more than Mars, because all Mars did was make her heart ache. Mars heard her words, she had turned to him and got in his face, anger in those pink eyes of hers. Behind sunglasses, steel eyes looked almost scared for what she had to say to him. He was silent though, waiting for her to be quiet so he could explain.

She turned away and started to walk again, slamming her foot into a root and then starting to curse. She'd spoken in Spanish after that, so Mars didn't know what she had said. Orin isn't a whore. he spoke at first, his voice defending, but calm all at once. His ears fell back on his head slightly and he furrowed his brows. He did know what to say next to comfort her, but every time he tried to speak the words that were supposed to come next, he just couldn't speak them. Sleeping with Shawchert would not gain anything. were the words to escape instead of what needed to be said to calm the woman down. She was practically crying, and Mars was too awkward to even deal with her right now. Bartholomew would materialize and come from behind the bushes, as if to aid the woman and her sobs. Bartholomew looked hard at Mars and then went to Krystalle's side. They both were present in the body. Ya' made Krystalle cry, man, wha' yerr problem? Bartholomew spoke to Mars, in all reality though, it was just Mars talking out loud to himself with a different accent in his voice. I...I didn't mean to...I'm sorry.. the calm voice of the Russo man chimed out. The man looked at Krystalle then, the body itself, looking constantly of two different people entirely.

Krys.. he started to speak, but he didn't quite know where he was going with it at all. There was nothing to come after he had spoken her name.

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