alone this holiday isn't an option

_____ Icarus had known that Firefly had stopped loving them before she had officially disappeared. Something had been different about her demeanor in her last few days _home and he could judge that something was bound to change soon. Though she had been spending time with a _wolf from _Clouded Tears, Icarus knew nothing of this. The small whelp knew only that his rambunctious sister spent less and less time terrorizing his siblings and himself, and more time out ‘adventuring’. Little did he know, this so thought ‘adventuring’ would lead to her desertion.

_____ Staying close to the den became more important to him with the disappearance of his sister, for he didn’t want to end up like her. Icarus, on the other hand, loved his family and wanted to stay right here in _Storm. Obviously, his sister didn’t share the same opinions.

_____ As Ember got up and ran out the entrance of their den, Icarus’ small ears perked up on the top of his head. Instinctively he got up and ran after her, for he wasn’t about to let his other sister run away from the family too. As soon as he neared the entrance, Ember took off and Icarus stopped to frown. Had she stopped loving them too? Icarus shook his head and wouldn’t accept that as an answer. And so he commenced hot pursuit.

_____ When he finally figured out just what she was doing, a wave of relief crashed over the miniature Phoenix and Icarus stopped many yards away from them all. He made a mental note to remember the scene so that he could always remember what Ember looked like in case she too really did decide to run off. It scared Icarus that he was already starting to forget Firefly’s giggle.

_____ "Daddy!" Icarus cried too, hurrying up after his sister and racing to close the yards that separated them. When he reached them, the whelp almost collided with his father’s feet as he tried to cling to him. He cast an accusing glance towards Ember, "And don’t you leaf us too!"


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