Shiloh was pulled from her thoughts as she heard someone sliding down the hills. She watched the woman slip and stop right before the water, her eyes conveying her humor. She watched the girl shake herself off before noticing her. "Hello. Why are you all of the way out here by yourself?" asked the woman softly.
"Hello." said Shiloh softly turning to the woman. She answered her question smoothly, thinking carefully about how she answered the question. "I needed somewhere to think. I have been having nightmares that keep me up at night. This place calms me." said Shiloh softly looking away.
She stared at her reflection and wondered if the girl was going to be round long. Shiloh remembered a time that she would hold her sister close and whisper softly words of love to her. The girl reminded her of her sister and Shiloh started to cry.

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