Teach Me To Pray

Word Count → 341


Panda didn't realize that the girl had not seen them climb up the tree, but when she had failed to look directly at Panda and Venom, it made Panda think about what the girl might have thought she was speaking to. Panda let her chocolate eyes look at Venom and a small smile form on her face, a smile for no reason really, just because she liked to smile she guessed. Venom thought that it was almost impossible for her to look at him and not smile though. He was absolutely right too, she normally had a smile on her face when she was communicating with him, and often times, all he had to to is look at her and she would smile. He'd yet to make her angry, so she had no reason to frown at him. She couldn't help but smile at the one she had never gotten mad at.

At the littler girl's words, Panda cocked her head. She giggled lightly to the little girl. Nuh, I don't think that I'm supposed ta' help ya' find who you're looking for. Who are you looking for anyways? the woman asked the little girl before Venom had opened his mouth to speak as well. Where are you from little girl? the man asked, wondering how far away from home she was. It seemed weird for one for be by themselves when they were so young, but then again, he'd always had Panda to be there with him when he went on his stupid little adventures. How old are you? Ya' look pretty young there. the woman asked, wondering how young this girl was. She could tell that she was younger than Venom, but by how many months she was unsure of. The panda-pelted woman cocked her head as she looked down at the young woman, but still, Panda was too comfy to want to jump down and show herself to the young lupus. She also found it funny that this girl was talking to them without knowing where exactly they were.


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