All that was

WC: 343 OOC: Lili likes horse talk hehe

She could see that the woman before her was quite unnerved. It was possible that Grace was giving this effect to her. Liliana listened politely though. She nodded as the woman mentioned she was a loner. Lili could tell by the lack of additional wolves that she was not a part of any pack. Lili almost wished she were a loner still.... almost... She needed the company of others to survive though and to live outside of AniWaya... was absurd.

I do like letting my feet take me where I want. My parents were loners. We went everywhere. My mother was a horse trainer, that’s how we traded for supplies.

She said. The woman introduced herself and then looked at Grace asking who she was, but Lili could hear a small hint of the woman asking what it was as well, especially when she mentioned that she thought they were prey animals.

This is Grace. She is my horse Companion.

She said, smiling at the chestnut mare who had nickered at her name, her ears flipped forward and she turned to look Liliana.

They actually have been prey animals for a long time. but they can be so much more useful than that. Though we can run as fast as them, they have much more endurance than us, and we can run them without getting so tired ourselfs so we are free to do what we need to.

She explained. This was not the first time she had to explain something like this, but she was used to it, and if it meant getting one less person to eat another kind of meat, was fine with Liliana.

She is still wild, she actually picked me, I think she thought I needed guidance or something.

Liliana looked up at Grace and rubbed the horse under her chin softly.though she was wild she seemed to be getting better with wolf companionship, as well as new wolf friends.

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