Breakin' Up

That he answered so quietly softened her. Nayru could feel the pain radiate off him in waves. Felt it in herself, eating away at her core. And yet, how could she accept this? Grant him forgiveness? He was leaving! That should never have been an option. And so soon after Saluce had up and left. Was it so easy to abandon those one loved? Nayru wasn't going to make it easy, even though she knew, ultimately it was not up to her. She could only stand in his way, a white and black road block that eventually would wear away and the path to freedom would be clear. Even knowing this, knowing that his word was still law for as long as he remained here and she would have to step aside if he requested, the woman with blood eyes stood as tall as her small stature would allow, blocking the exit of the doorway.

"Why? Why can't you stay here? " Ruby eyes were hard, searching the man up and down. There had been be a damn good reason, for Nayru could not think of a single one that would suffice. There were plenty of excuses she could have used to leave. She hadn't been born here, not like Conor. She had no immediate family here, unlike Conor. Her family had even come and tried to beckon her away. Yet she remained, and if she could why couldn't he? " What are you running away from? " What indeed? Because it seemed, by his hurried packing and unsettled speech, he was truly running from something.


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