You're everywhere I want to be
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He was, now, but still not large enough to burden her too much. Naniko carried the youngster in a pack on her back that had been made especially for the pups; it zipped, but there were two large holes ripped in the fabric at the top so that they could stick up out of it and watch what was going on behind them. She sometimes had to carry things with her arms back to the house, so this was most convenient. She didn't have to hold them, but they could still see and go with her wherever she went.

The white werewolf looked at the windows as she went past them, consideringly. She was really hoping that she might find some kind of a weapons shop, or perhaps a shop with some gardening tools, but she'd already been looking for nearly an it seemed pretty hopeless. She sat down in front of one of the shops, taking the pack off gently and unzipping it completely. The small fuzz ball jumped out, shaking out his copper fur, bouncing around a little bit. The little Sirius looked up at her, then at the shop, then back to her. She could almost see the question before he tried to speak. " n-nnee" She patted him on the head, quieting him for a moment. "We'll go inside in a moment--Nani needs a break"


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