'til kingdom come
No worries brosef. :O And sorry for my own wait! I didn't see you'd replied 'till now >_< Second pages will be the death of me!


Tayui wished she could see Haku's death as a good thing, but lately, it didn't seem much like it. She had recognized that Gabriel had done what she could not: murder the beast. But at the same time, there was such a sense of regret knowing that she could never bring Haku to task or bring him to justice to see him squirm before he was finally put down. She wanted revenge and justice and she wanted to throw any concept of mercy in his face and laugh at him when he realized she had none. She wanted to have been the one to have killed him.

"Perhaps," she conceded. She didn't trust this Jefferson fellow enough to impart her true feelings. That was saved only for close friends and true confidantes, which she was quickly running low on. Perhaps one day he would know, but these little secrets were best kept close to the chest.

"All I'm left with is regret now. And it's a horrible, bitter feeling." She could say that much, but any more would be going too far. She was just glad Jefferson understood some of what she was trying to say. Judging on his looks, he'd experienced his fair share of troubles in the past and would probably sympathize; but it was just too soon for Tayui.


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