Loss Opens Doors AW
Harmony raced around the room, ducking and dodging. She had played tag with her brother many times and had learned some very effective twists. Liam was no slouch either. She was oblivious to the crash of the chair and the fallen pillows (except as a wonderful sort of the obstacle course). She squeaked and laughed when Liam caught her tail making her "it", turning herself practically inside out to try and catch him right back (a trick her brother often played but she had never quite mastered), when suddenly Liam called 'timeout'. Harmony skidded to a stop and looked on in amazement as Liam took the time to right the chair and stack the pillows. She had been raised to be tidy and in a home with areas that were forbidden to play-times, but she had never seen anyone stop to clean in the middle of a game - that was left for after. She was about to offer to help when she felt a strange wave of feeling - not quite shyness - sweep through her, She was still musing over this when Liam bolted away, giving him a good lead. Harmony laughed out loud and leapt after him leaving any serious thought melting in the air behind her.
She was still trying to catch him when...

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