took the stars from our eyes

Big Grin +3

Though she had heard the voices and known already that it was her sisters out in the snow along with her, there was a feeling of relief and ecstasy all rolled into one that immediately flooded the girl’s system as soon as straw colored eyes located them. As her sisters worked towards her, Sage taking the lead, Clover changed her course of direction and headed right for the girls. It was difficult work, and perhaps draping the tapestry around her had not been smart and merely hindering, but the young flower child was determined to make her way to them. Despite all of the negative feelings everything about the day should have elicited, the girl’s tawny muzzle parted into a thin grin – she still found joy in the simple fact that her sisters were here in Inferni with her, and she was no longer the sole Juniper Peace child.

But just as quickly as the smile had formed, Mother Earth robbed it. Sage had been pushing her way closer and closer, until some unseen force had yanked her to the earth. It was painful to watch, her sister fighting to find stable footing, and Clover could easily see that her sister’s spill had not been the least bit graceful (which was unusual for any of them). There was only a split second of hesitation, where Clover paused in dumbfoundedness, before she instantly raced towards her sister. Her firm grip on the tapestry loosened and the fabric slipped from one hand, so that it waved behind her like a tattered banner. No doubt she would feel extreme fatigue from the exertion it took to propel her towards her injured sister, but none of that even crossed her mind. Her thoughts were solely on Sage.

"SAGE!" Her anguish mirrored China’s as they both rushed to the tawny colored girl. Upon making it to her side, Clover flung herself into the snow, reaching out a hand to find Sage’s back and assure herself that she was alright. For a moment, the girl did not respond, and straw colored eyes connected with Lapis Lazuli infected with worry. There was a terrible emptiness in Clover’s stomach and a strange sour taste found its way to her tongue. She quickly lifted the tapestry from the ground and threw it over her sister’s frame, before palms found her sister’s torso and guided her upward from the ground so that they might see what damage Mother Earth had been cruel enough to inflict.

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