Pitter patter of Tiny Hooves

OOC here: Table & Coding © Marie; That is fine hun; 302 words


Even though she could shift now she still retained her lupus form. It was strange. She couldn't wait to shift and now that she could she rarely participated in it. Perhaps it was silly but oh well. She simply didn't feel right in that form without something to cover her body. Even now she was getting used to not wearing the blanket everywhere. But at least this way she could drape the blanket over herself and it didn't give her many issues with staying on, not like it had when she had tried it in her shifted form.

She had been out, once again looking for plants that shared similarities with those kept in the Town Hall. She wanted to find things that her uncle could use since she was still uncertain of their particular uses. It was something that she was determined to learn though. It was a knowledge that she was determined to acquire. One day she would become as proficient at it as her uncle was. She wanted to be able to help him. It was why she had been spending her recent days looking for things to collect.

She was distracted from what she had set out to do by a voice in the stables. She turned herself and headed in that direction. Who was it that needed a name? She entered the stables to find Lili with a young horse. "Where did he come from?" She hadn't realized that any of the horses had been set to give birth. Then again it had been a few months since she had been here and Lili had given her a ride on a horse. That had been before she could shift and when she was forced to wear a blanket all of the time. "Who does he belong to?"

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