
Word Count →260 :: Hi Big Grin, mind if i join?

Kaliska wandered around the boundaries on the territory. The place still smelled kind of new, but it wasn't bothersome. At least, thankfully, the snow was starting to melt more. The wind was still bad at times, but not to bad. She hoped the weather would get better because life in a cold and wet place is not fun at all.

She picked up her pace a little, running to get the air to blow through her snow white pelt. She closed her eyes and smelled the fresh and chilled air. For a moment it was like flying but she wasn't going to go that far. She opened her eyes and watched the trees fly by her, even being as small as she was she was still pretty fast. It was mostly the fact that she had less weight to carry and she had mostly muscle on her slender build. She wondered possibly how fast she could race through the woods with out hitting something. So she tried it, first staring slow but speeding up.

She ran for about a mile before she caught the scent of a stranger. She stopped suddenly and smelled the air. The wolf was close, so she stealthily stalked closer. When she came around a large tree she noticed the wolf. Well it looked more like a slimmer dog then it did a wolf. The stranger made no effort to hide itself so Kaliska wasn't to worried, but she still was cautious. "You are at the border of Phoenix Valley, may I help you with something?"

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