It's empty in the valley of your heart [p]
Hope the power play is okay, it’s just to get things faster. Also, I think Ezra needs a horse :3

Ever pressed into his chest as she wrapped herself around him, and the hulking male found himself dozing off again. The girl always had a calming effect on him, and their intertwining comforted him immensely. She agreed to teach him, which excited the male, almost to the point of jumping off the bed. But Ezra was comfortable, and he cherished the hell out of these moments with Ever. “It should be fun,” whispered the male as he nuzzled her delicate face. He lay there for a moment, cradling her, breathing in time with her. These mornings were the greatest joy the troubled hybrid could ask for; they grounded him, made him appreciate how great it was to have finally found someone, and to receive overwhelming amounts of love from her.

After what seemed like an eternity, the beast finally shook the sleep out of his body. “Let’s go,” he said quietly, giving the girl a lick of encouragement. The wolfdog bounded out of the bed, stretching his muscular back. Ezra let Ever go off and get ready for a moment, and the two were off. As the male only had a vague idea of where the stables were, he let Ever lead the way through the last of the early morning fog.

After a bit of walking the couple found their way to the stable. It seemed to have fared well through the snow, which pleased him. Ezra stayed silent throughout the walk, not sure what to expect. When the stable was in front of him, though, he finally turned to Ever. “Lead the way,” he said with a genuine smile, hiding his nervousness for what lay in store for him inside the wooden building.

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Table by Anna! <3

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