Only a job for anyone but myself.

Word Count→000 :: OOC: Yush! i hop in! Rawr!

Sankara walked through the forest looking at her surroundings. She was a bit down, and she couldn't find the wolfess that she had been looking for. Her paws made barely a noise as she moved over the damp ground. The snow over the area was getting thinner, and most of it had melted. Her paws were getting soaked, and she had to stop her walk to lick the dead plants and mud off them. But her ears detected a sound as she was at half lick. It was a voice screaming for help. Sankara sensed that it sounded more irritated than scared; but she thought that the best was to check what was happening. In a second, she sprinted towards it's origin. It wasn't too far, so she reached the clear where the wolfess asking for help was. " are ok? i heard your scream!" Sankara looked at her surroundings, only spotting a wooden bowl and the grey wolfess before her. She must have been a new member. This made a small part of her mind rejoice...but she controlled herself and got her mind back to the wolfess in front of her.

The wolfess was, in fact, big. She looked even bigger that Sankara in her optime form! She also noticed that she had a little trouble breathing. It may be the surprise, or she must be scared...why did she scream like that? Sankara approached her until she was a few feet from her and sniffed the air in her direction. "You don't smell as if you were scared..." Then she scruited her expression. "Neither do you look scared...what happened? why did you screamed? Sankara's eyes where full of concern, as well as alert. She kept on all fours as she gazed at her surroundings once more.

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