a guide to holistic living

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[597 words.]

He was disappointed not to hear any news of Phoenix or the other siblings, but he knew there was no body to blame for that. The flames had pulled a mask over everyone’s eyes, and now that it had been removed, everyone was disoriented and had to find their footing. Even though things in Shadowed Sun were becoming more like home everyday, Pilot still felt slightly disoriented. It was just in his mind though – it didn’t want to accept the fact that all of this had happened.

He glanced back to the garden he had started and mentally ran over the other things he hoped to see growing in it soon. The sooner Shadowed Sun got its herbs growing, the faster they would have some sort of medical supplies. At home (which Pilot considered Storm and the old lands still) they had had the human city close by, so it was no problem to go and search for things they might need. Here, Pilot hadn’t done much exploring and didn’t know of any place like that. They all had to rely upon themselves still, and it was frustrating when Pilot knew he had things back in his charred den which would have been extremely helpful here. He often thought about the violin that Dierdre had given him, and whether or not it had survived the flames. He wished that he would have had it with him, but at least he still had the necklace.

His fingers curled around the obsidian arrowhead as he turned back to Ember. "Well I’m glad to hear that she’s doing okay. Especially after she had been gone for so long." Pilot wondered if Phoenix or even the kids had thought of the possibility of Iskata never returning. It had crossed Pilot’s mind before. "And it’s good to hear that Firefly is alive and well, even if she hasn’t come home yet. It would be strange to see her now, especially since she left when she was still so young."

He slowly eased himself to the ground, crossing his legs like a pretzel in front of him. "Hope you don’t mind if I sit, doing all the work on the garden has made me tired." He observed Ember’s face, for the first time really noticing how it had lost its childlike appearance and was really developing into an adult’s face. Of course she had months until she was considered a true adult, but Pilot could already see it in her. Perhaps it was because of all the things she had to deal with as a child. He couldn’t be sure.

"Me? Well, I’ve been doing well here. Tayui and I established this pack, Shadowed Sun, and its based on the foundation of knowledge and learning. I’m trying my hand at medicine too," he motioned one of his palms towards the garden, "so that we won’t have to call on Naniko when any one else gets sick." Pilot still felt as if he owed his life to Naniko to keeping his best friend alive. If only he knew where Phoenix was now. "And I found out that Dierdre gave birth, and I’m a father. There’s two of them – Sirius and Apollo. They’re still really small," he indicated the size by holding up his hands, "but they’re getting bigger everyday. Deuce is caring for them since they still need a mother’s nurturing. In the mean time, I have to settle for visiting them." A smile had found its way on his lips as he spoke of his sons, though he was completely unaware of it.


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