oh mama please help me won't you hold my hand
Jazper smiled as Duece seemed happy to have the young pup back. He was hugged twice and let out a small squeek, "Can't...breath." He said with a laugh. He was glade he had a family now. They seemed to be perminent for now. He loked Duece in the eyes and sighed, "He's growing, soon he'll be as big as me." He chuckled. He walked over to the playpen and watched his brothers playing. He silently wished he was younger.

"So am I just big brother to Sirius and Apollo or to all of them?" He thought aloud as he stood there watching them. They were so cute! He looked to duece, "When will they be able to talk? I can't to start playing with them." He trotted back to his pmothers side and rubbed his muzzle against hers. He liked this feeling. Security. He could definently get use to it.

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