its hard to tell if its you or my reflection

wotd: dapple. 300+

His own worries that had drawn him away from his bed and his home that night were forgotten, mere fragments of concerns lingering in the back of his mind to be thought of again later. It was Anann he thought of now, her worries and concerns becomng his in the way they would for all leaders who deserved the position. Though he had initially been concerned by taking on the role of King, Vigilante had molded to the rank well, or so he thought. None seemed to find issue with the way he ruled the pack, anyway. He was far from the theatrical king that Jacquez had once been, but the pack seemed less haphazard now, as well. It was a fair trade.

Jade eyes travelled over Anann's golden form, dappled with darker hues along her back, as she spoke. Though the King was not one to pry information out of his pack members, he felt that this might be an instance where it might be necessary. He knew all too well the concerns of having left on bad terms. It was a constant fear of his that someone would come from his past to haunt him, as Lolita had done by merely being in the area and then her attack on his life, for murdering his sister. Surely the Elders would not tell the whole story, and he had known this upon leaving.

When she had finished speaking, he watched her for another moment, searching for her reaction to her own words. It was not something she often spoke of, he was sure. He could relate in ways she likely did not know. "I am not one to demand answers, and I will not now," he spoke, "but I can relate to your story. Mine varies, of course, but it is something I can understand. Perhaps it would help you to understand your dream if you told me about why you left and your upbringing? Are you worried that they will still chase you?"

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