holding on to this defeated change in heart
It was hard for her to meet his emerald colored gaze. Although she only behold one eye, that single green orb seemed so electric. His gaze captured her, ensnared her, and narrowed down her focus until her lime colored eyes could see only him, not the dimly lit rafters of the ceiling, or the shadowed lights cast by the windows. He, like Pripyat, was part of what comprised the center of her universe. It was hard to fight his gravity, but she fought to pull away, because she felt that they needed this; she would not let him suffer this way. There was enough suffering here in the first place.

"I'm sick," Geneva said lamely. She was talking about the obvious, but it seemed the logical place to begin. "I'm sick the way Jordan was..." She knew that he did not like to hear Jordan's name. But she could not lie to him, not about something of this magnitude. "I don't want you to see this happen," she said with anguish in her voice.

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