[M] Torment me, oh sweet demon...

Word Count → 000 :: trolololo

Vesper nodded, 'Not round here mind you, mostly when I travel around for various things. Your the first not coyote loner I've seen that has had the audacity to come even this close'. Vesper was impressed, most wolves shyed away from the skull covered borders, Vesper couldn't blame them.

Vesper smiled shyly, 'I don't mind, you don't seem fazed by it so it's fine, and yes that is correct', the femme looked away, smiling still. She moved forward a bit, her gaze finally lifting. 'Vesper, Io is... a tad irascible'. Vesper struggled to come up with a fitting word for the more volotile femme. 'I'm getting a lot better at supressing her however, comes with age'. She supposed he still wouldn't mind,he seemed very open minded and Vesper couldn't help feel attracted to him.

The coyote hybrid shifted her weight, her body falling into a more flattering position. As she did the bikini strap fell and with a casual giggle she pulled she pulled it back up. Her silver gaze kept wavering shyly, pulling back and sinking into clear blue.

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