the faith you prove

Finish this thread up soon, and start another?

Word Count → 3+

Her words seemed to pull the young man back into his serious mentality. It was like the flipping of a coins - Once face had the charms, the wit, the handsome and endearing chivalry. The other side was the real side; no fake smiles here, just sharp gold eyes and a sharper mind. This was the side she could use, the side that would craft him into something greater than he was now. Alaine was almost certain that destiny held something terrible or wonderful in store for Ezekiel de le Poer, and she could only hope that it was the latter, for his sake.

It did not take him long to accept her offer. The words, heavy with the responsibility he had accepted, pleased her immensely in the deep secret world within the woman. It was important that he accept. A path had been set, and her purpose made clearer. Although she did not smile, the petite Fae's emerald eyes were fervently bright about their thin, precise pupils. It was he who broke the intensity of the moment, shrugging back into the natural charm that falsely adorned him so well. She acquitted to it for now, but would not long tolerate the plastic smiles he sometimes instinctively offered. The Apothecary knew he did it out of habit and instinct, but it was important to her that he was aware of the distance between his identity and the identity he sometimes portrayed. The best actors often found their identities stolen away by a common role, and Ezekiel was far too important for such a fate. His jest provoked a generous smile from the woman, and she stepped back to give him personal space once more. "It would be cruel to deprive her, after all," She agreed mildly.

The serious expression returned, although mixed with a satisfaction she had not worn before. "We will start your training this afternoon." It was essential she begin as soon as possible, although she was weary from the mornings antics and wished to take one of common naps with the pups. Alaine had a deep feeling that she would not have long to spend with Ezekiel on this trip - Surely it would not be long before the Warrior-King came to reclaim his son.

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