My minds a blood bath

Word Count → 705 :: Niro's not gonna put up with that!! Bad wolfies for fighting!!

Niro had not expected this reaction, though it came and hard. He could see the turmoil in her eyes now as she thrashed out at his question. He felt horrible, and even more so when she admitted what was going on in her head, he held the pup close to him, he could only keep the pup from getting the angry vibes, from getting hit by the bed that she had found for him, it was not easy to be a nuetral in this situation, especially when she admitted she wanted to kill Jiva. He held the boy to him. Niro could never let that happen. And he was silent as she went into tears telling how she had to protect him. He was silent and when he was sure she finally calmed enough, he picked up the bassinet with one hand and settled it down, where he put Jiva, and moved between the sleeping pup and his mate.

“You are not right! You didn’t kill your daughters, your mother didn’t kill her unborn and the other mothers around did not kill theirs. It’s the way of life. Our Jiva is special, he survived and if he is to live you need to stop thinking like this. It’s hard, but there is no demons inside you, or him. There are no demons inside of me. The only demon that has ever been around you is That man that hurt you so bad, He’s gone, and now we have a family of our own, that we need to protect, if you keep thinking of hurting our son I won’t hesitate to take him from you, and raise him on my own. Now stop, think use your head, I love you and I don’t ever want to do that, and I want us to be together forever. I want us to have a big family, but if you keep snapping like this ,it will hurt everyone. You are not at fault, but you are starting to make it so and I can’t have OUR son in a situation where he is at odds with himself. Don’t make me hurt our family. You are my love, but you need to understand things happen without our influence. You did everything to protect our daughters, everything to make them what they could be, but they were not meant to enter this world. Jiva was, and we need to make sure we keep him well and HAPPY”

He breathed hard, he was still between his son and his mate, and he hated himself for talking to her like this. He knew it was not the best situation to do something, but he had to, for his son’s sake. He had to get it clear to Amaranth that life never had been fair and they could only do what they could to make what decisions they thought were best. Niro hated the hatred that his mate put up with in her own body that she didn’t need to. He knew she could be the best person around, that she was sweet and kind, but when something like this happened that stressed her out, he knew it would end up even worse sooner or later and he hoped this would be the worse of it. He wasn’t sure his threat was taken well, or not, but he would surely take to being with a woman who was still nursing so that he could raise his son in an even environment. He didn’t want that though, he wanted his mate to be the one to take care of the pup and be happy. She would have to stop blaming herself, to stop thinking she was some kind of demon. He knew she wasn’t and she never was, that it was in her head all bcause of Haku, who was long dead now. He heard a whimper behind him, it seemed Jiva had awoken, and Niro turned to take the pup in his arms. He cradled the boy close and looked at Amaranth. He knew as much as she did about taking care of a child but as overwhelmed as he was, he would try his best no matter what.

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