Hunger pangs and pilgrimages

WC: 333 OOC: Welcome to 'Souls and Cour des Miracles!


Niro was still angry with his fight with Amaranth, but he left with his mother in law to keep watch of both Jiva and his mate. He worried for his son, but knew that Ayita, bing a woman of experience would surely be able to protect his son, even from his own mate who was at odds with the world. He was taking a walk to calm his nerves. It took a lot out of him to keep his mate in check when she had her outbursts, so Niro was far from his cave home when he heard the howl from the borders. Taking interest the young wolf found himself moving to where he saw a young woman, it seemed she was a mix breed, but this mattered little to Niro, though he was pure bred himself, the whole of the pack was mixed with mongrels and pure breds alike, his mate was even a mutt so that mattered little. What did matter however was the reason why this woman was here.

“Hello, my name is Niro, you are at the borders of Cour des miracles, is there anything I can help you with?”

This was the first time in a long time he did not have his golden eagle with him, as she had been hunting when he had the fight with Amarant, but he was sure she would return to him soon enough when she felt like it, for now he was not worried about his bird, though still worried about his son and what could happen to him in his absence. He looked at the woman before him and could tell she had been on a very long journey. Like the one he’d taken when he first joined the pack. The only pack he’d ever been in, and the only one he would stay in. He wondered what kind of story this woman had, but first, he was interested in her reason for being here.

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