Crunchy Icycles

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.
WC: 345
OOC: sooooo sorry i hope you still <3 me, hopefully i won't let the thread go dead like this again ; ;

In Character

Eclipse could see that the feline was definitely not a wolf now and as she spoke, Eclipse could see that the cat was probably as tall as her daddy when he walked on four legs, if not taller. It was amazing. She’d never seen a cat before so this was strange to her, she thought that moose were bigger than the wolves but other than the hooved animals wolves were biggest of all, but her little mind was not wide spread yet, and she was starting to learn more about the world around her. Like right now. She now knew that there could be something biggere than wolves. The scolding the cat gave her though put Eclipse on a sour face.

“My daddy said that if somthing were to happen, it would, I can play all I want. If you was gonna eat me you’d do it.”

She grumbled, then the cat came forward, and Eclipses’ heart stopped. but instead of going on with her thread the feline pushed Eclipse with her short nose. Eclipse rolled back. For a clumbsy little pup she had style, and Eclipse just stared at the cat.

“This is my home, so I can play here if I wanna, you look too nice to eat me though! So I am lucky huh?”

She asked. For a pup she did find her self in strange situations that would normally get herself killed but she had been having such good luck lately. It was possibly a bad thing for the future her cuteness and innocence would not always keep her safe. She looked at the big cat, wondering what was so different about them.

“Can you change like my mommy and daddy? One day i will, I can’t wait!”

She asked suddenly forgetting what the woman had said, she was sure that if she were meant to be taken into the jaws of something it would happen. She lived life on the edge, and she knew little of consequence.

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