hold your breath
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Had he been shifted, he would have hugged her close, just to make sure she was there. But he was nervous, his emotions turbulent, and he didn't feel calm enough to try. He still hadn't mastered the skill. Instead, Kansas stepped forward, touching her ribs with his nose, just softly, wanting to see if she was the same warm mother he'd had as a child. To his surprise and relief, she was - just exactly the same.

It was then that he truly began to see that she did care. She regretted missing him mature, and she told him so in a sweet, sincere though modest way. He didn't smile, but his eyes softened as he looked up at her, stepping away. He knew about Naniko, having been just been reunited with the alabaster beauty. But the news of Ember's safety brightened him; he wouldn't have been able to handle hearing that his sweet sister was lost, too.

He had been waiting for the question she asked, but when it came, he still felt his stomach leap and jerk with pain at the loss of his father and brother. He didn't want to tell her what had happened, but she needed to know. And he needed to be the one to tell her. He stared toward the earth at his feet before attempting to connect with those eyes that were identical to his. "He... didn't make it. He died in the fire." It hurt to hear himself speak those words, and he knew the next would be even more difficult to articulate. "And, I'm sorry, Mother, but... Some - uh, a few wolves Papa knew took him and Moon and me. I don't know what happened to Moon, but Papa was stabbed, and I think he's gone, too." He looked away, feeling his face tingle but not allowing himself to cry in front of her.


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