[M] Blessed are the hearts that can bend

This is a weird post, I apologize. :|

They were older now, and much had passed between the time they had met as children. Scars and shadows had worn them into ghosts of what they might have been. Gabriel might have loved her first once, but fate and destiny belong to God and he did not question why. “The one was, yes,” he answered. “She was Ezekiel and Talitha’s godmother.” A pause. He thought of the girl who had come to him and spoke of the healer’s death, and how the boy had reacted when he had learnt of such a thing. “She’s dead now,” the Aquila added bluntly, as if this might explain his way for speaking.

If it had been anyone else, her mocking question would have earned a show of fang or growl. Instead he flicked his ear and cocked his head, eyeing her in the way a bird might. “Oh, a brave little trespasser are we?” He advanced and brushed past her, his tail flicking up to sweep over her nose. “Your pack might not mind if strangers come waltzing through, but we have patrols for a reason.” It was jest, playing on the rumors that he was certain preceded the clan—and by extension his—name. “Though," he went on. "You aren’t a wolf, and you hardly look threatening.” Another taunt, this time accompanied by a flash of ivory teeth; he was baiting her, pleased by her form and seeking to see how capable she was in it.

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