Hunger pangs and pilgrimages
OOC: Thanks =D


The wolf that approached was much bigger than Caspa, but fear wasn't the reason she bowed her head deferentially to him. Her old pack was one that insisted upon respect as a base for all relationships, and didn't always look kindly upon outsiders. She had no idea what to expect, from a wolf who seemed more decoration than natural appearance, and was taut with readiness to run or fight, keeping her face as placid as possible in the meantime. He seemed friendly though. The pack name was in a tongue she did not recognise, but she memorised it carefully. "I hope so," she answered. "My name is Caspa. I have been walking all these months... I am searching for a home. Do you have room for one more, in Cour des Miracles?" Her voice sounded thick and strange to her, barely used at all since the snow had begun all those weeks ago. It was a wonder her vocal chords hadn't frozen solid. Her eyes were down, half-lidded and submissive, and her hands tweaked a little anxiously at the lining of her coat pockets; she was fighting feeling disorientated by the sudden confrontation with a member of her own species, after so much time alone. But at the same time, she could feel the delight of the prospect of companionship flooding her veins, even if it was still only a shadowy prospect, dependent on her putting a good face forward at this encounter. Wolves and dogs, they were not built to be alone.

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