Drifting with the clouds~
OOC : [Thanks James for the table.] Sorry for the delay.

Is this what it's like? To be caught up in the moment. He had to wonder, because it seemed to happening more and more lately. Being taken off gaurd by an approaching wolf due to his frequency to loose himself in the passing days. By the time he had become aware of the wolfess. It dawned on him how lucky he had been in finding this pack in the moment he realized she was more concerned of his injuries then anything. At least this time he was given some warning before someone started to prod at his injuries. Then with the incident with Demi...

He eyed the other wolf with serious wariness. He had come to expect a sense of morbid curiosity from most of the wolves in this pack. They all had this curious way of dealng with injuries and such. Turning to get a better look at the wolf who stood over him, he spoke with a strong undertone of concern,"After my incidents with the wolf known as Demi, I'd hope you'd understand my trepidation. However, if you really wish to look it over..." A playful smile cross his face, "I'd have to ask why there is red across the..." He still wasn't sure what to call the things some of these wolves wear. He heard a lot of them refered to as pants. However this looked different, maybe it was a shirt? He would take a guess and hope for the best,"Shirt you're wearing. Unless it's to bothersome to discuss..."

Either way, the red had a curious look to it. Especially with the way it seemed to be centralized to the wolfess arms. Perhaps it was a custom he hadn't seen yet, there was a lot for him to learn. What with the curious happening he's heard about so far, it would surprise him if this was simply another aspect of this packs culture...


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