in other words, anarchy

ooc text. I hope you don't mind

Aeron Ganesa

Her snares were doing their job she didn't always catch something but they were making feeding herself and members who needed it easy. She was on a mission today to play nice and find the male. Shivers ran up her spine good lord the male that ran this clan. She had never known that males could even be of that rank. Males had never deserved that rank.

She had heard that he was hurt and found herself on this trip. She hated being around others and hoped to move from her location to another. She didn't live in the mansion but alone in a small house. She didn't like where it was located and wanted to move. she hoped that in time she would find a more suitable place.

She could smell the aquila and another here walking up she noticed that the one she hadn't met was outside doing something. "Hello I've come baring gifts." She said as nice as she could her pride hurt being so nice to a male. She looked at the odd man he was part Jackal and seemed odd to her. Pulling out a not well sized rabbit she tossed it at him. "Watching over the leader must be hard how about a snack sorry its not much." Continuously telling herself to be nice she smiled and turned looking at the home. "He's over there right I have some things for him." She said.

She didn't wait for the other to answer as she walked up to the porch and smiled lightly. "Sir I've come to see how you are and I brought you a rabbit." She spoke pulling out the plumpest rabbit she had snared this week. "He's the best I caught I figured he should go to the best we have." she said.

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