Something That I Want

Pretending Sky's already been by CdM. :3

Sky's journey had taken her to both Dahlia de Mai and Cour des Miracles, and she'd found no signs of Orin in either packland. Now she was headed for J'adore's pack, Anywaya. Sky was approaching the packlands from afar, circling it in her Optime form, wearing a beautiful assortment of clothing she'd found on the way (or maybe it was given to her?); a lovely white blouse, old-fashioned, and a matching long skirt. It felt weird not to be wearing her usual denim jeans and soft sweater, but for some reason she didn't seem at all delayed in the beautiful attire.

The trip would've been quicker in her Lupus form or by horse, but Sky had worn her hands to bleed from the long runs she'd made already in her lupus form, and shifting to her secui and optime forms had made no difference. She'd worn herself down a good few pounds too, despite it only having been a few days. She truely felt like a rogue again, hunger making her just a bit on edge.

It was just as she rounded a corner towards Beast's Grin Peninsula that the young hybrid heard a wonderful sound; someone was singing, and whoever it was, they were singing beautifully. Sky, also being born with a lovely singing voice, couldn't help her curiousity. She came trotting up the hill to check things out, stopping only when she spotted the white-furred figure in the distance.

By this point, she'd given up on hoping to find Orin in white; no doubt she'd dyed her fur now. Orin also didn't sing, and she'd never be anywhere without her daughters. This girl was not the one Sky was searching for. Still, some company could bode well, and this was close enough to AniWaya packlands that this stranger might've been a member.

Sky smiled as she came closer, waiting until the other woman finished her song before speaking up softly. "Excuse me...?" Sky tilted her head slightly, newly cut short hair dancing in the breeze. The wolfdog had undergone her own little changes; she wore tiny silver rings where studs used to be on her ears, save for the ones closest to her hair on the inner shells. Her hair had been cut short, twisting in tiny, loose curls and framing her face nicely. Generally, she still looked the same, but the new haircut changed her enough for her to be noticably different than before; not that this stranger would know the difference.

Sky Katruk

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