Something That I Want

*pretending I didn't just see a GUY run into a store and steal a Justin Bieber cut-out >.>*

Ralla startled forward when she heard a voice. Amongst the din of the waves and the strong salt air, she had neither heard nor smelled anyone approaching, so the sudden call had made her almost fall forward off the rock. She turned her head over her shoulder and saw a female--quite pretty, she might add--with short ringlets about her face, making her appear much younger than she likely was. There had been a lot of visitors to the pack lands and borders recently, so she supposed that the encounter did not surprise her as much. The wolves were becoming steadily more, and closer, to the borders, though, but Ralla had yet to be given any reason of malicious intent or harm. So long as they didn't trespass, everyone was all peachy keen.

"Yes? How can I help you?" She offered kindly. Not often was there a visitor who did not require a service of some sort; not that Ralla minded at all. Pack relations were always crucial, and Ralla would hate to ruin the chance at strengthening the bonds between them. Granted she was still wary of Anathema and did not know a few others packs as well as she might've liked, but she was no superwoman, and her saintly patience was not quite godly. Regardless, she ever-so-rarely got mad or frustrated, since she saw no point in stress, which, in the end, did nothing to help the cause. Being so near Cercatori D'Arte, she assumed that the woman was from there, although that would be a hypocritical assumption since she had visited Dahlia de Mai, and she had not been assumed to be of Inferni or Cercatori D'Arte herself.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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