Nothing but a nightmare
unless your a super duper fast typer this is probably going to be one of two posts I am going to be able to do. I'm leaving for a week but I will definatley get right on it as soon as I get back!

It was strange for Mizu to be out exploring now that she had a pack. But she needed some time alone. Tears wanted to come but she forced them back. Her meeting with Ma-.. Teo.. had taught her that she needed to be different from the way she had been being. He didn't teach her that, he had just said that Mizu had to look on the bright side. So that is what she was going to do.

She looked around her. It was a nice day out. The clouds above were a little gray, but didn't threaten rain too badly. She smiled and was so caught up in checking out the landscape she didn't noticec the Coyote until she was almost running into her. She stopped quickly. "Oh! I am so sorry!!" She took a few steps back. "Sorry.. Sorry..." She blushed furiously and ducked her head. "I am Mizu Kuin. Sorry for almost running into you!" She was horribly embarresed at this point and wanted to just turn around and run. She let out a sigh and tilted her head up to look at the person in front of her. "Sorry.." she mumbled it again.

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