Beaten, Bruised, and Scarred
OOC: Not at all. Smile

Venema did not have to wait long before he saw another wolf coming towards him through the thin layer of trees. It seemed to Venema that he was being cautious, but in Venema's mind he had every right to. Venema bowed his head to the approaching wolf, and gave a weak smile back. "My name is Venema, and the pleasure is all mine. I was just wondering... well... um..." In his hasty flight, Venema had not had the time to think of how he was going to propose this. Now he was stumbling over his words, and he was terrified that this would come off as disrespectful. "Would it be possible... if not it's completely fine, but... would it be possible... for me to... um..." Venema's gaze was completely averted, and yet Dominick's presence teriffied him. Just three more words... Venema stopped and took a breath, and spoke the final question slowly and deliberately. "Would it be alright if I joined your pack?"

The query had been made, and now there was nothing to do but pray he said yes. If they didn't accept him, he would surely be found, and caught, and dead. And he didn't want to be dead. He was only 15 months old after all. He took a quick look behind him to make sure that no one was coming through the trees, but to his relief, he saw nothing but his heavily scarred, rust-coloured flank. He breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back to the wolf.

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