I think I'm going to eat you my dear.


The black monster had the taste of what it felt like to be in power. It was a power that he liked and a power that he wanted. A power that he would stop at nothing to have and achieve, just like a power hunger demi-god. He smiled as he looped around watching her every move, every move that every hair made upon her tender body. The male sniffed the air, inhaling her scent, with a smack of his lips he watched her, and she was scared already? Aww the poor creature had no need to fear him….yet. Though she wouldn’t have a reason to fear him as so long as she gave him what he wanted. ”Don’t lie to me Dove. I can smell the warm blood, just like I can smell the milk upon your body. You’ve got a litter nearby. Tell me…tell me Dove how far are you willing to go to protect them?” The Sawtooth monster laughed at how ridged she was. He had not even told her what all he had in plan for her.

He moved in closer to her, looking her over, the male licked his lips as he allowed his fur to brush against her white silky coat. The smell of blood was powerful; it was making the monster wild and was begging a pleading for release. He shifted his weight looking down at the water, seeing the red in the water, he knew there was blood somewhere; the question was still if it was from her or was she just as dark and messed up as he was and she had hurt someone. Lucifer smiled at the reflection he saw in the water, his teeth white as her coat only help add to the aura of the black male with chilled sapphire blue eyes. ”Now Dove, last chance. What happened to my Little Dove?” This was her second and last chance to tell him the truth and accept the help that he would be willing to give her at a price. Either way he was going to leave her with something to remember him by.


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