A Marvelous Return

Ookami nodded his head. As the wolf spoke his name Ookami thought for a minute. Where he heard that name before? "Hmm.. Oh! You were friends with Adonia right?" He remembered now the couple times he had heard this wolf's name. According to someone Adonia was quite hurt after he left. He wouldn't let this fact get in the way though. He was sure the the male had a good reason to leave. A scary thought flickered in Ookami's mind. Now that Domonik was back.. would it be over for him and Adonia? Ookami sure hoped not.. He would be absolutely devastated if that were to happen. He took a small breath.. he would leave this question for the future.

Ookami's ears perked up at the wolf's voice. The sound came out low but Ookami could here it perfectly. "Yes.. it is very amazing. Many things have happened here that have been wonderful. But not without a few bad things.." Ookami's voice trailed off as he thought of his injury, Adonia's and Jefferson's. The barn was destroyed and both Jace and Tala had been raped. He shook his head softly and sighed. "What made you leave?" Ookami didn't want to cone off rude but he was curious. If he believed that this place was so amazing... then why did he leave?

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