Hunger pangs and pilgrimages

OOC: I will have Vigil accept you asap, and we don't have to rp the whole of them going to the hotel, :3

As she began explaining why she would be a valuable member to the pack, Niro's tail started wagging in excitement. He was a skilled hunter, but he also enjoyed preparing leather and hides, and was a master at food preservation because of his time alone with his sister and not knowing when they would find meat again. Now he used much of what he had for his birds.

"You know some leather workings? I've been working at it for almost a year not myself, maybe we could trade some..."

Then he remembered why they were here, and he cleared his throat abashed. Yes he was still a pup at heart, and still quite young to say the same. He nodded.

"I think our king would not say no to any of those skilled. I welcome you to Cour des Miracles, I can show you around if you want I can at least show you to the Chien hotel, where you can stay until you find a more perminant home, and you can also get a bite to eat there."

He said. he would surely be happy to oblige to giving her some food, it looked like she needed it, and shelter, which was also something she might want to sooth herself, she had mentioned she'd traveled far so she was probably would want to relax. Niro was sure to help her become comfortable in the pack.

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