Sunshine and Daisies

Sorry for the wait! 300+

She was frustrated and tired, the golden coyote from sunny Eterne. 'Souls winter was not growing on her. In fact, she hated it. The snow, it wasn't there in the Mexican deserts. It wasn't there on the filthy island of Barbados. No, it was only here in her knew home, at least as far as she was concerned. Snow, mud, cold. Disgusting. So she spent her time within the confines of the caves. It was better than surface exploration. Since her encounter with Miqui, waiting for him patiently to come to the borders as she was, she didn't want to leave the region. If he came, if she wasn't there...she'd lose the chance to bring him into the fold. The rocks gave comfort that she wouldn't miss his arrival.

As was normal to the woman, she had found a forgotten passage. Her knuckles wrapped ever so gently against the surface. Ochre ears wiggled about at the sound. Her search was for weakness, perhaps flaws in the structure that might enable them to expand. Her family had not yet found her search strange; she'd told Selene, and even ventured with the woman into a darker pass to talk and explore. Her new home was an enigma she was slowly becoming familiar with. In Eterne, caverns were saved for those indoctrinated to Momoztli's faith. She had not been. Her family had lived in a house. Momoztli didn't touch those in the darkness. She didn't believe he did.

A voice, a stomp, a grumble. The combination brought her from her trance easily, flaming eyes searching for the source. Curiosity managed to pull her from her search in order to see more clearly the figure who had spoken. It didn't take long to find him. A strange hybrid, not wolf but not coyote, seemed aggravated with daisies strewn across the ground and stamped into the dirt. One eyebrow quirked upward. "Somet'ing ess troubling you, hm?" Her own voice held little in the way of emotion, and her eyes echoed her apathy, but her posture proved otherwise. This male was unique. She was intrigued.

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